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Live Well Get Well Soon Gift Baskets

Do You Love Yourself?
Thinking back to growing up in Ireland, one of the insults that we used to say to each other was "Oh you love yourself!" This was always met with horror if accused, as nobody wanted to be known as big headed. If only we knew back then that loving ourselves is one of the best things you can do. If asked about love we immediately think of the people in ours lives, our children, parents, siblings, our extended family, friends, acquaintances, our pets and work colleagues. Not necessarily in that order of course! We also tend to forget about ourselves. This aim of this blog is to give you a bit of background to our Get Well Soon Gift Baskets, designed with self care in mind.
If you're anything like me you might quite enjoy making lists. They can help be a visual reminder of what you need to achieve and can help to keep order in your life. However, with so much on our 'To Do' Lists, making time for ourselves tends to end up at the very bottom (if at all.) We are taught as children to “always put others before yourself” as this is kind, shows manners and that being selfish is a flaw (hence the "you love yourself" insult.) Obviously being all about ourselves isn’t ideal either as we are unlikely to form friendships if we are entirely selfish beings. Doing things for others also makes us feel good, so much so it is contagious. It seems to be the old saying of “everything in moderation” comes into play again here. Surely there is a happy medium between self love and loving those around us.
You deserve to be loved not only by those around you, but by the most important person in your life — YOU. Ways to practice self-love include practising good self-care. In most cases it is the self care side of things we need to be better at and so we researched some ideas to help with this.
Practicing Self Care
You will love yourself more when you take better care of your basic needs. People high in self-love nourish themselves daily through healthy eating and drinking plenty of water. They also try to make their bodies happy by engaging in healthy activities & exercise. Express yourself through a creative outlet such as writing, painting, dancing, singing, cooking etc. Stay organised by keeping a diary or journal. Take yourself on a date and learn to enjoy spending time with yourself. This could be going for a solo coffee or treating yourself to a spa date. Getting proper sleep and having intimacy and healthy social interactions is also important. To practice self-love, start by being kind, patient, gentle and compassionate to yourself, the way you would with someone else that you care about.
Live Well Get Well Soon Gift Baskets
We have created a range of Live Well - Get Well Soon Gift Baskets where we have included various products to bring people back to themselves, to encourage them to spend some time looking after their body, mind & soul. This Live Well - Get Well Soon Gift Baskets range is the perfect gift for someone who is lacking in self-love and needs a reminder to take care of themselves.
There are 5 gorgeous Get Well Soon Gift Baskets available in this Live Well range & I have selected my favourite one to highlight in the Blog - Get Well Soon Stress Less Gifts.
If you know someone who needs to take some time out to relax, unwind and catch up on life then this get well soon gift basket would be ideal. With such a selection of ‘live well’ items included, the recipient will have no choice but to focus on themselves and spend an evening indulging in some self care. It can also be tailored for either a man or a woman by the selection of body lotions.
Gift Basket Highlights
Pampering items highlights include the handmade bath melts and soaps by Wild Olive, they honestly smell good enough to eat. A microwavable hot pack which can be heated and placed on areas of tension will help to soothe the body, while the Silent Night candle will soothe the soul. After using all of these products the recipient will be guaranteed to feel more relaxed and grateful for having taken a couple of hours out for themselves.
Of course when creating Get Well Soon Gift Baskets we never forget about the food element entirely & so inside they will find organic oat cookies, ethical chocolate, mixed nuts and other healthy, guilt free snacks to enjoy with a cup of organic tea.
We can’t think of anything more relaxing than having a bath, treating our skin with lotions and hot packs, lighting a candle and settling down with a cuppa and a cookie.